Thursday 29 September 2011


Posted by plopipay at 06:21
I'm sick of them, can't them just leave me out. WHY KEPT BOTHERS ME?
I mean I don't get it, I want my freedom.
I wanna do things I want, I wanna make myself happy with my own way.
but this just waaaaay too much. really
I'm 19!
But dad keep telling me this and that, keep forbid me to do anything.
What am I excatly? A RETARD who can only waiting for her dad's command-.-
Not only my dad, and my classmates, my lecturers, all of them. geez!!
Stop doing those freakin stupid social things.
I can't be friends with you guys, not now. I mean its hard for me to socialize with someone new.
Yeah, sounds so arrogant but its just me, if they keep forcing me to like them, the only thing i'll do is hating them.
and about the lecturers, I DON'T REALLY MIND if they give me any assignment but pleaseeeee not a group activities!
I hate hate hate hate group activities.
lol i sounds like an anti-social person, well i can't deny it but can't agree either. I have friends, close friends, and new people around me makes me veeeeery uncomfortable. So that's why I hate social thing with someone I just knew. But I love really love hanging out with my close friends.
Please can't everything just stop already?


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